
作者:包凡    来源:包凡一老师博客

     在中学英语课上我们学过很多词,这些词在我们看来已经是再熟悉不过了,如face, shoulder等。可是大部分同学只是知道这些词的一到两个词义,而这些词其它的意思、用法,同学们要么是不予以注意,要么是根本不知道,导致了这些词成了我们熟悉的陌生人。就拿face来说,提到这个词,同学们脑子里蹦出来的第一个意思就是名词“脸”,而总是想不到它还能用作动词有“面对”的意思。这些词的这些意思其实都是常见义,用法也是常见用法,而且这些词还广泛用于成语,词组中。由于没有掌握它们,导致同学们在各种考试中遇到障碍,特别是国外语言考试,诸如托福、雅思等。从今天起,我的博客会陆续介绍一些这样的词,帮助大家学习。我们先来学习一些身体部位词。

身体部位词 (一)


[常见义] n. 头,首脑,首领

[较难义] n. 1.硬币正面,头像面 The coin has Washington’s head on one side.


The head of the newspaper blared the results of the election, “Obama Wins!!”


v. 1. 居…之首,率领

Until I can manage large groups of people I will never be able to head a company.

2. 朝向…行进

We have to start heading towards Trudy’s house because the party starts in less than an hour.

About 20 similar glaciers around the Gulf of Alaska are heading out to sea.(托福真题)


3. [喻] 使趋向

As soon as Sam gets back from work he heads to the bar to be with his friends.



head and shoulders above 远远超过

head over heels 完全地,彻底地

head start 先起动的优势,领先的开端

hide/bury one’s head in the sand 逃避现实

head off 阻拦,拦截

head on 朝前,迎面


[常见义] n. 脸,(建筑物的)正面

[较难义] n. (可以指)人

To maintain my anonymity I have to be just another face in the crowd.


v. 1. 朝向,面对

The traditional mosque faces west towards Mecca, the spiritual home of the Muslims.


A right-handed person finds it easier to draw the faces of people and animals facing the left.(托福真题)


2. 面对(对手等),面临(困难、挑战等)

If you do not face this medical problem right now it could persist for the rest of your life.


The researcher is faced with the challenge of primary materials that have little or no documentation.(托福真题)



[常见义] n. 鼻子

[较难义] n.(飞机、车等的)前部

When I flew as a small child the pilots would let me sit up in the nose of the plane with them and watch the clouds pass by.


v. 1. 嗅,闻,嗅出

The dog nosed several trees, looking for the scent of one of his playmates.

2. 徐徐移动,(小心)驾驶 The new driver had to slowly nose his way out onto the street to avoid crashing with an oncoming vehicle.



Sb’s nose is out of joint. 鼻子都气歪了

put sb’s nose out of joint 使某人生气

nose into 打听,查探

have a (good) nose for sth. 有(很强)的觉察力

under one’s nose 在眼皮底下


[常见义] n. 眼睛,视力,目力,眼神

[较难义] n. 1. 判断力,鉴赏力

Calvin Klein’s eye for fashion helped him create a global business empire.


American Indian crafts were viewed as valuable art objects in themselves, and were often purchased with an eye for speculation.(托福真题)


2. 见解,观点

At her wedding her father, teary eyed, said, “No matter what happens, in my eyes, you will always be my little girl.”

Mark Twain observed life around him with a humorous and skeptical eye.(托福真题)


v. 盯着看,注视,观察

Two suspicious looking youths entered the store and the clerk eyed them to make sure they didn’t steal anything.



eye opener [美口语]令人惊奇的事物

keep an eye on 留意,密切注意

have a good eye for 对…有很好的判断力,好眼力

turn a blind eye to 无视…的存在,假装看不见,不考虑

in one’s mind’s eye 在某人心目中,在想象中


[常见义] n. 嘴

[较难义] n. 河口,进出口

Their point of departure was the mouth of the Wood River, just across the Mississippi from the entrance of the Missouri River.(托福真题)

v. 1. 动嘴唇但不出声地说

The lead singer sang the song, while all the diehard fans mouthed the lyrics along with him.


2. 装腔作势地说

After Jimmy told the teacher I had hit him she forced me to mouth an insincere apology.



shoot off one’s mouth 夸夸其谈,信口开河

by the word of mouth 口头上

with mouth wide open 大张着嘴巴

mouth off (at/to) [美俚] 回嘴,顶嘴


[常见义] n. 舌头

[较难义] n. 1. [文] 语言

Robinson was forced to live on the island with the natives for five years, and he eventually learned their complicated native tongue in order to communicate with them. 鲁滨逊被迫在岛上与土著人生活了五年,最后还学会了那种复杂的当地语言。

2. 舌状物

When Smitty got to California he started panning for gold, but he instead found a five-foot-long tongue of silver in a river bed. 斯米梯去加利福尼亚淘金,却在河床上发现了一个五英尺长的银条。

Once that point is reached, the ice flows downhill, either as a tongue of ice filling a valley or as thick ice cap that flows out in directions from the highest central area where the most snow accumulates.(托福真题)


v. 用舌舔

An important part of playing saxophone is the ability to tongue the reed before you blow.



tongue in cheek 无诚意,挖苦的,嘲笑的,开玩笑的

slip of the tongue 口误

hold one’s tongue 保持沉默,默不作声

on the tip of one’s tongue 差点说出来,一时想不起来

tongues wag (别人)议论纷纷

set tongues wagging 惹人议论